Clinical application of biobag method
(The standard duration of maggot application is 4-6 days.)
<Day 1> 1. Wound bed preparation Ensure that no ointment, cream or dressing material remains on the wound. |
2. Setting the biobag on the wound
(1) Put the biobag on the wound. |
(2) Cover the biobag with a few pieces of wet gauze and fix them lightly with tape. | |
(3) Lightly place a bandage over the gauze. | |
< Days 2–5>
(1) Check daily to ensure that the biobag remains centered on the wound. (2) If necessary, the biobag can be temporarily removed and the wound can be observed and rinsed out. |
<Day 6> 1. Removal of the outer dressings Remove the outer bandage and gauze. |
2. Removal of the biobag
Remove the biobag. If necessary, open it and check the size of the maggots. |