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Year Author Title Link Nation Journal
2018 Dong JL Upregulation of BAG3 with apoptotic and autophagic activities in maggot extract?promoted rat skin wound healing. S China Mol Med Rep.
Shih AF Maggot therapy for calciphylaxis wound debridement complicated by bleeding. F USA JAAD Case Rep.
Yan L Pharmacological Properties of the Medical Maggot: A Novel Therapy Overview. F China Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
Tombulturk FK Effects of Lucilia sericata on wound healing in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and analysis of its secretome at the proteome level. S Turkey Hum Exp Toxicol
2017 Raposio E Larval Therapy for Chronic Cutaneous Ulcers: Historical Review and Future Perspectives. F Italy Wounds.
Nasoori A Maggot debridement therapy for an electrical burn injury with instructions for the use of Lucilia sericata larvae. S Iran J Wound Care.
Nishijima A

Maggot debridement therapy with a direct dressing can cause compression injuries in patients with chronic limb ischemia.

F Japan

Case Reports Plast Surg Hand Surg.

Bian H Beneficial effects of extracts from Lucilia sericata maggots on burn wounds in rats. F China Mol Med Rep.
Nishijima A Effective wound bed preparation using maggot debridement therapy for patients with critical limb ischaemia. S Japan J Wound Care
Sherman RA Maggot Therapy for Wound Care in Austere Environments. S USA J Spec Oper Med
Abela G Benefits of maggot debridement therapy on leg ulcers: a literature review. S Malta Br J Community Nurs
Nishijima A Maggot debridement therapy for a patient with critical limb ischaemia and severe cardiac dysfunction: possibility of limb salvage. F Japan Case Reports Plast Surg Hand Surg
Mirabzadeh A Maggot therapy for wound care in Iran: a case series of the first 28 patients. S Iran J Wound Care
Baumann A Urate Oxidase produced by Lucilia sericata medical maggots is localized in Malpighian tubes and facilitates allantoin production. S Germany Insect Biochem Mol Biol
Teh CH Determination of antibacterial activity and minimum inhibitory concentration of larval extract of fly via resazurin-based turbidometric assay. F Malaysia BMC Microbiol
Zhang J Increasing the miR-126 expression in the peripheral blood of patients with diabetic foot ulcers treated with maggot debridement therapy. S China J Diabetes Complications
Daeschlein G Viability of Lucilia sericata maggots after exposure to wound antiseptics. S Germany Int Wound J
2016 Choudhary V Maggot debridement therapy as primary tool to treat chronic wound of animals. F India Vet World
Dickinson R Honey and larvae in the treatment of foot gangrene: a reflection. S UK Br J Nurs
Contreras-Ruiz J Comparative study of the efficacy of larva therapy for debridement and control of bacterial burden compared to surgical debridement and topical application of an antimicrobial. S Mexico Gac Med Mex
Cruz-Saavedra L The effect of Lucilia sericata- and Sarconesiopsis magellanica-derived larval therapy on Leishmania panamensis. S Colombia Acta Trop
Nigam Y Does maggot therapy promote wound healing? The clinical and cellular evidence. S UK J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
Stadler F Maggot Debridement Therapy in Disaster Medicine. S Australia Prehosp Disaster Med
Linger RJ Towards next generation maggot debridement therapy: transgenic Lucilia sericata larvae that produce and secrete a human growth factor. F USA BMC Biotechnol
Masiero FS Evaluation of conventional therapeutic methods versus maggot therapy in the evolution of healing of tegumental injuries in Wistar rats with and without diabetes mellitus. S Brazil Parasitol Res
Sun X Maggot debridement therapy promotes diabetic foot wound healing by up-regulating endothelial cell activity. S China J Diabetes Complications
Diaz-Roa A Evaluating Sarconesiopsis magellanica blowfly-derived larval therapy and comparing it to Lucilia sericata-derived therapy in an animal model. S Colombia Acta Trop
Wilson MR The impacts of larval density and protease inhibition on feeding in medicinal larvae of the greenbottle fly Lucilia sericata. S UK Med Vet Entomol
2015 McCaughan D Patients' perceptions and experiences of venous leg ulceration and their attitudes to larval therapy: an in-depth qualitative study. F UK Health Expect.
Bohac M Maggot therapy in treatment of a complex hand injury complicated by mycotic infection. F Slovakia Bratisl Lek Listy
Lin Y Maggot Debridement Therapy of a Leg Wound From Kaposi's Sarcoma: A Case Report. F USA J Glob Oncol
DeFazio MV Home Improvement in Maggot Therapy: Designing a Simple, Cost-Effective, Closed-System Habitat to Facilitate Biodebridement of Complex Distal Lower Extremity Wounds. S USA Plast Reconstr Surg
Daeschlein G Maggots as potential vector for pathogen transmission and consequences for infection control in waste management. F Germany GMS Hyg Infect Control
Nassu MP Evaluation of larval density Cochliomyia macellaria F. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) for therapeutic use in the recovery of tegumentar injuries. S Brazil Parasitol Res
Pinheiro MA Use of maggot therapy for treating a diabetic foot ulcer colonized by multidrug resistant bacteria in Brazil. F Brazil Indian J Med Res
Klaus K Maggot Debridement Therapy: Advancing to the Past in Wound Care. S UK Medsurg Nurs
Davies CE Maggots as a wound debridement agent for chronic venous leg ulcers under graduated compression bandages: A randomised controlled trial. S UK Phlebology
?i?kova H Growth and survival of blowfly Lucilia sericata larvae under simulated wound conditions: implications for maggot debridement therapy. S Slovakia Med Vet Entomol
Kahl M Maggot excretion products from the blowfly Lucilia sericata contain contact phase/intrinsic pathway-like proteases with procoagulant functions. S Germany Thromb Haemost
Polakovi?ova S The effect of salivary gland extract of Lucilia sericata maggots on human dermal fibroblast proliferation within collagen/hyaluronan membrane in vitro: transmission electron microscopy study. S Slovakia Adv Skin Wound Care.
Evans R Detection and partial characterization of antifungal bioactivity from the secretions of the medicinal maggot, Lucilia sericata. S UK Wound Repair Regen.
Pinilla YT The effects of Sarconesiopsis magellanica larvae (Diptera: Calliphoridae) excretions and secretions on fibroblasts. S Colombia Acta Trop
2014 Maeda TM Increase in skin perfusion pressure after maggot debridement therapy for critical limb ischaemia. S Japan Clin Exp Dermatol.
Campbell N A retrospective, quality improvement review of maggot debridement therapy outcomes in a foot and leg ulcer clinic. S Canada Ostomy Wound Manage
Shi E Maggot debridement therapy: a systematic review. S USA Br J Community Nurs
Hassan MI The using of Lucilia cuprina maggots in the treatment of diabetic foot wounds. S Egypt J Egypt Soc Parasitol
Borst GM Maggot Therapy for Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa Reveals New Applications and New Complications: A Case Report. S USA Int J Low Extrem Wounds
Sun X A systematic review of maggot debridement therapy for chronically infected wounds and ulcers. F China Int J Infect Dis.
Wilasrusmee C Maggot therapy for chronic ulcer: a retrospective cohort and a meta-analysis. F Thailand Asian J Surg
Mudge E A randomized controlled trial of larval therapy for the debridement of leg ulcers: results of a multicenter, randomized, controlled, open, observer blind, parallel group study. S UK Wound Repair Regen
Valachova I Midgut lysozymes of Lucilia sericata - new antimicrobials involved in maggot debridement therapy. S Slovakia Insect Mol Biol.
Bohova J Selective Antibiofilm Effects of Lucilia sericata Larvae Secretions/Excretions against Wound Pathogens. F Slovakia Evid Based Complement Alternat Med
Sherman RA Mechanisms of maggot-induced wound healing: what do we know, and where do we go from here? F USA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
Ce?ovsky V Lucifensins, the Insect Defensins of Biomedical Importance: The Story behind Maggot Therapy. F Czech Pharmaceuticals (Basel)
2013 Pritchard DI Maximising the secondary beneficial effects of larval debridement therapy. UK J Wound Care
Raffer L Using larval therapy in the community setting. UK Br J Community Nurs.
McInnes W Venous ulceration contaminated by multi-resistant organisms: larval therapy and debridement. S Australia J Wound Care
Tian X Maggot debridement therapy for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: a meta-analysis. S China J Wound Care
Igari K Maggot debridement therapy for peripheral arterial disease. F Japan Ann Vasc Dis
Rafter L Larval therapy applied to a large arterial ulcer: an effective outcome. S UK Br J Nurs
Pinilla YT Proteolytic activity regarding Sarconesiopsis magellanica (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larval excretions and secretions. S Colombia Acta Trop
Ci?kova H Growth and Survival of Bagged Lucilia sericata Maggots in Wounds of Patients Undergoing Maggot Debridement Therapy. F Slovakia Evid Based Complement Alternat Med
Cazander G Multiple actions of Lucilia sericata larvae in hard-to-heal wounds: larval secretions contain molecules that accelerate wound healing, reduce chronic inflammation and inhibit bacterial infection. S Netherlands Bioessays
2013 Sherman RA Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the growth and development of medicinal maggots. s USA Undersea Hyperb Med
Morgan C Naturally derived factors and their role in the promotion of angiogenesis for the healing of chronic wounds S UK Angiogenesis
Elder JW Wound Debridement: Lessons Learned of When and How to Remove "Wild" Maggots S USA J Emerg Med
Valachova I Expression of lucifensin in Lucilia sericata medicinal maggots in infected environments S Slovakia Cell Tissue Res
Jiang KC Use of maggot debridement therapy for tropical diabetic hand syndrome S China J Wound Care
Biscoe AL Warfarin-induced skin necrosis diagnosed on clinical grounds and treated with maggot debridement therapy S UK BMJ Case Rep
2012 Heitkamp RA Maggot debridement therapy in modern army medicine: perceptions and prevalence S USA Mil Med
Cazander G Maggot excretions affect the human complement system S Netherlands Wound Repair Regen
Mumcuoglu KY Pain related to maggot debridement therapy S Isreal J Wound Care
Telford G Wound debridement potential of glycosidases of the wound-healing maggot, Lucilia sericata S UK Med Vet Entomol
Cambal M The combined algorithm of venous ulcer therapy S Slovakia Bratisl Lek Listy
Blueman D The use of larval therapy to reduce the bacterial load in chronic wounds S UK J Wound Care
Gilead L The use of maggot debridement therapy in the treatment of chronic wounds in hospitalised and ambulatory patients S Israel J Wound Care
Menon J Maggot therapy: a literature review of methods and patient experience S UK Br J Nurs
Wu JC Maggot therapy for repairing serious infective wound in a severely burned patient S China Chin J Traumatol
Chan QE Eating out of the hand, maggots--friend or foe? S Australia J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
Lepage OM The use of maggot debridement therapy in 41 equids S France Equine Vet J
Peck GW Biocompatibility of antimicrobials to maggot debridement therapy: medical maggots Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) exhibit tolerance to clinical maximum doses of antimicrobials S USA J Med Entomol
Firoozfar F Laboratory colonization of Lucilia sericata Meigen (Diptera: Caliphoridae) strain from Hashtgerd, Iran. F Iran J Vector Borne Dis
Kuwano A Treponemes-Infected Canker in a Japanese Racehorse : Efficacy of Maggot Debridement Therapy Journal of equine science F Japan J Equine Sci
Felder JM 3rd Increasing the Options for Management of Large and Complex Chronic Wounds With a Scalable, Closed-System Dressing for Maggot Therapy S USA J Burn Care Res
Pritchard DI Expression of a cGMP compatible Lucilia sericata insect serine proteinase debridement enzyme S UK Biotechnol Prog
Zarchi K The efficacy of maggot debridement therapy - a review of comparative clinical trials S Denmark Int Wound J
2011 Vilcinskas A  From Traditional Maggot Therapy to Modern Biosurgery S Germany Insect Biotechnology
Heuer H Blowfly Strike and Maggot Therapy: From Parasitology to Medical Treatment S Germany Nature Helps...
Kruglikova A.A Antimicrobial compounds from the excretions of surgical maggots, Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) S Russia Entomological Review
Mehlhorn H Extracts from Fly Maggots and Fly Pupae as a "Wound Healer" S Germany Nature Helps...
Kruglikova A.A Antimicrobial components of haemolymph and exosecretion of larvae Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) S Russia J Evol Biochem Physiol
Davydov L Maggot therapy in wound management in modern era and a review of published literature  USA J Pharm Pract
Marineau ML Maggot debridement therapy in the treatment of complex diabetic wounds F USA Hawaii Med J
Britland S Recombinant Lucilia sericata chymotrypsin in a topical hydrogel formulation degrades human wound eschar ex vivo S UK Biotechnol Prog
Akhtar N The use of larvae therapy to debride full thickness burns in the anaesthetically unfit patient: the Nottingham experience UK Burns
Britland S Recombinant Lucilia sericata chymotrypsin in a topical hydrogel formulation degrades human wound eschar ex vivo S UK Biotechnol Prog
Telford G Maggot chymotrypsin I from Lucilia sericata is resistant to endogenous wound protease inhibitors S UK Br J Dermatol
Yeong YS Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of the successful sterilization of Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) utilized in maggot debridement therapy (mdt) F Malaysia Trop Biomed
Opletalova K Maggot Therapy for Wound Debridement A Randomized Multicenter Trial S France Arch Dermatol
Gottrup F Maggot Debridement: An Alternative Method for DebridementDenmark F Denmark Eplasty
Manring MM Biographical Sketch: William S. Baer (1872-1931) USA Clin Orthop Relat Res
Hwang JH Maggot debridement therapy for postsurgical wound infection in scoliosis: a case series in five patients S South Korea Spine
Arora S Maggot metabolites and their combinatory effects with antibiotic on Staphylococcus aureus F Singapore Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob
2010 Morrison S Maggot Debridement Therapy for Laminitis USA Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract
  Nigam Y The Physiology of Wound Healing by the Medicinal Maggot, Lucilia sericata     Advances in Insect Physiology
  Barnes KM The antibacterial potency of the medicinal maggot, Lucilia sericata (Meigen): Variation in laboratory evaluation S UK J Microbiol Methods
  van der Plas MJ Combinations of maggot excretions/secretions and antibiotics are effective against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms and the bacteria derived therefrom  S Netherlands J Antimicrob Chemother
Telford G Degradation of eschar from venous leg ulcers using a recombinant chymotrypsin from Lucilia sericata S UK Br J Dermatol
Bexfield A Amino acid derivatives from Lucilia sericata excretions/secretions may contribute to the beneficial effects of maggot therapy via increased angiogenesis S UK Br J Dermatol
Edwards J Debridement of diabetic foot ulcers S UK Cochrane Database Syst Rev
Miller J Pyoderma gangrenosum: a review and update on new therapies S USA J Am Acad Dermatol
Hall S A review of maggot debridement therapy to treat chronic wounds S UK Br J Nurs
Margolin L Assessment of the antimicrobial properties of maggots S USA Int Wound J
Kawabata T Induction of antibacterial activity in larvae of the blowfly Lucilia sericata by an infected environment S Japan Med Vet Entomol
Park SO Antibacterial activity of house fly-maggot extracts against MRSA and VRE F South Korea J Environ Biol
Cherniack EP Bugs as drugs, Part 1: Insects: the "new" alternative medicine for the 21st century F USA Altern Med Rev
Cazander G Maggot Excretions Inhibit Biofilm Formation on Biomaterials F Netherlands Clin Orthop Relat Res
Tantawi TI An accidental but safe and effective use of Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in maggot debridement therapy in Alexandria, Egypt S Egypt J Med Entomol
Wang SY Maggot excretions/secretions induces human microvascular endothelial cell migration through AKT1 S China Mol Biol Rep
Andersen AS A novel approach to the antimicrobial activity of maggot debridement therapy F Denmark J Antimicrob Chemother
Wang S Clinical research on the bio-debridement effect of maggot therapy for treatment of chronically infected lesions F China Orthopaedic Surgery
Cerovsky V Lucifensin, the long-sought antimicrobial factor of medicinal maggots of the blowfly Lucilia sericata S Czech republic Cell Mol Life Sci
Zhang Z Fatty acid extracts from Lucilia sericata larvae promote murine cutaneous wound healing by angiogenic activity F China Lipids Health Dis
Andersen AS Quorum-sensing-regulated virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are toxic to Lucilia sericata maggots F Denmark Microbiology
2009 Kumar P Limited Access Dressing and Maggots F India Wounds
Nordstrom A Larval therapy as a palliative treatment for severe arteriosclerotic gangrene on the feet S Sweden Clin Exp Dermatol
Kawanaka H Therapeutic Angiogenesis by Controlled-Release Fibroblast Growth Factor in a Patient With Churg-Strauss Syndrome Complicated by an Intractable Ischemic Leg Ulcer S Japan Am J Med Sci
Harris LG Disruption of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms by medicinal maggot Lucilia sericata excretions/secretions S UK Int J Artif Organs
Cazander G Do maggots have an influence on bacterial growth? A study on the susceptibility of strains of six different bacterial species to maggots of Lucilia sericata and their excretions/secretions S Netherlands J Tissue Viability
Altincicek B Septic injury-inducible genes in medicinal maggots of the green blow fly Lucilia sericata S Germany Insect Mol Biol
Jones M An overview of maggot therapy used on chronic wounds in the community S UK Br J Community Nurs
Zhang B A simple, heat-sterilizable artificial diet excluding animal-derived ingredients for adult blowfly, Lucilia sericata S Japan Med Vet Entomol
MJA van der Plas Maggot Secretions Skew Monocyte-Macrophage Differentiation Away from a Pro-Inflammatory to a Pro-Angiogenic Type F Netherlands PLoS One
Geary MJ Maggots down under F Australia Wound Practice and Research
MJA van der Plas Maggot secretions suppress pro-inflammatory responses of human monocytes through elevation of cyclic AMP F Netherlands Diabetologia
Cazander G The Influence of Maggot Excretions on PAO1 Biofilm Formation on Different Biomaterials F Netherlands Clin Orthop Relat Res
Sherman RA Maggot Therapy Takes Us Back to the Future of Wound Care: New and Improved Maggot Therapy for the 21st Century F USA J Diabetes Sci Technol
Paul AG Maggot debridement therapy with Lucilia cuprina: a comparison with conventional debridement in diabetic foot ulcers F Malaysia Int Wound J
Dumville JC VenUS II: a randomised controlled trial of larval therapy in the management of leg ulcers F UK Health Technol Assess
Dumville JC Larval therapy for leg ulcers (VenUS II): randomised controlled trial F UK BMJ
Soares MO Cost effectiveness analysis of larval therapy for leg ulcers F UK BMJ
Hunter S Maggot therapy for wound management USA Adv Skin Wound Care
Li Q Maggots of musca domestica in treatment of acute intractable wound China Surgery
Turkmen A Therapeutic applications of the larvae for wound debridement S Turkey J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
2008 McKeever D.C The Classic: Maggots in Treatment of Osteomyelitis: A Simple Inexpensive Method F USA Clin Orthop Relat Res
Steenvoorde P Maggot Debridement Therapy in Surgery F Netherlands
Nelson EA Venous leg ulcers UK Clin Evid (Online)
Pecivova J Effect of the extract from salivary glands of Lucilia sericata on human neutrophils S Slovakia Neuro Endocrinol Lett
Jones G Maggot-therapy in veterinary medicine S UK Res Vet Sci
Gupta A A review of the use of maggots in wound therapy S India Ann Plast Surg
Jarczyk G Use of Lucilia sericata blowfly maggots in the treatment of diabetic feet threatened with amputation F Poland Acta Angiol
Berendt AR Diabetic foot osteomyelitis: a progress report on diagnosis and a systematic review of treatment F UK Diabetes Metab Res Rev
Hinchliffe RJ A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to enhance the healing of chronic ulcers of the foot in diabetes F UK Diabetes Metab Res Rev
van Veen LJ Maggot debridement therapy: a case study S Canada J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
Steenvoorde P Maggot debridement therapy: serious bleeding can occur: report of a case S Netherlands J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
Renner R Maggots do not survive in pyoderma gangrenosum S Germany Dermatology
Bexfield A The antibacterial activity against MRSA strains and other bacteria of a <500 Da fraction from maggot excretions/secretions of Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) S UK Microbes Infect
Zhang B Short-term cold storage of blowfly Lucilia sericata embryos S Japan Insect Science
Fenn-Smith P Case study: maggot debridement therapy F Australia Wound Practice and Research
Jaklic D Selective antimicrobial activity of maggots against pathogenic bacteria F Slovenia J Med Microbiol
Williams KA Identifying flies used for maggot debridement therapy F South Africa S Afr Med J
Massari C Surgical Maggots F USA Asian Biomedicine
Gray M Is larval (maggot) debridement effective for removal of necrotic tissue from chronic wounds? S USA J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
Spilsbury K Exploring patient perceptions of larval therapy as a potential treatment for venous leg ulceration S UK Health Expectation
Gray M Context for WOC practice: larval debridement therapy, abdominal fistula pouch, hyperglycemia, and wound infections F USA J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs
Eneroth M The value of debridement and Vacuum-Assisted Closure (V.A.C.) Therapy in diabetic foot ulcers S Sweden Diabetes Metab Res Rev
2007 Pradhan L Wound-healing Abnormalities in Diabetes and New Therapeutic Interventions F USA Touch Briefings
Sibbald RG Best practice recommendations for preparing the wound bed: update 2006 F Canada Adv Skin Wound Care
Pearson C Debriding and Reducing Local Wound Infection with Maggots F Canada Wound Care Canada
Acton C A Know-How Guide to Using Larval Therapy for Wound Debridment F UK Wound Essentials
Steenvoorde P The results of maggot debridement therapy in the ischemic leg: A study on 89 patients with 89 wounds on the lower leg treated with maggots F Netherlands Internet J Surg
James C Use of sterile maggots in an unusual trauma injury S USA Br J Nurs
Brin YS Chronic foot ulcer management using maggot debridement and topical negative pressure therapy Israel J Wound Care
Steenvoorde P Maggot Debridement Therapy in the Palliative Setting S Netherlands Am J Hosp Palliat Care
van der Plas MJ Maggot excretions/secretions inhibit multiple neutrophil pro-inflammatory responses F Netherlands Microbes Infect
Sherman RA Maggot therapy for problematic wounds: uncommon and off-label applications S USA Adv Skin Wound Care
Huberman L Antibacterial properties of whole body extracts and haemolymph of Lucilia sericata maggots S Israel J Wound Care
Morrison S How to utilize sterile maggot debridement therapy for foot infections of the horse F USA 10th Geneva Congress of Equine Medicine and Surgery
Martin D Maggot Debridement Therapy in the Treatment of Nonhealing Chronic Wounds F USA
Martin D Maggot Debridement Therapy in the Treatment of Nonhealing Chronic Wounds F USA 3rd Annual GRASP Symposium
Bowling FL Larval Therapy: A Novel Treatment in Eliminating Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus From Diabetic Foot Ulcers F UK Diabetes Care
Gericke A Maggot therapy following orbital exenteration F Germany Br J Ophthalmol
Steenvoorde P Maggot Debridement Therapy in Necrotizing Fasciitis Reduces the Number of Surgical Debridements F Netherlands Wounds
van der Plas MJA Maggot excretions/secretions are differentially effective against biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa F Netherlands J Antimicrob Chemother
Sherman RA Treating wounds in small animals with maggot debridement therapy: a survey of practitioners S USA Vet J
Sherman RA Maggot debridement therapy for serious horse wounds - a survey of practitioner S USA Vet J
Whitaker IS Larval therapy from antiquity to the present day: mechanisms of action, clinical applications and future potential F UK Postgrad Med J
Stephen-Haynes J The different methods of wound debridement S UK Br J Community Nurs
Chan DCW Maggot debridement therapy in chronic wound care (review article ) F China Hong Kong Med J
Huberman L Antibacterial substances of low molecular weight isolated from the blowfly, Lucilia sericata S Israel Medical Veterinary entomology
Parnes A Larval therapy in wound management : a review S Ireland Int J Clin Pract
Tantwai TI Clinical and microbiological efficacy of MDT in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers S Egypt J Wound Care
Blake FAS The biosurgical wound debridement: Experimental investigation of efficiency and practicability S Germany Wound Repair Regenerat
Daeschlein G In vitro antibacterial activity of Lucilia sericata maggot secretions S Germany Skin Phamacology and Phsiology
Jacobi CE Smoking is not contra-indicated in maggot debridement therapy in the chronic wound F Netherlands EWMA Journal
Steenvoorde P Maggot debridement therapy of infected ulcers: patient and wound factors influencing outcome - a study on 101 patients with 117 wounds F Netherlands Ann R Coll Surg Engl
2006 Edmonds ME ABC of wound healing Diabetic foot ulcers S UK BMJ
Rozeboom AL Necrotising fasciitis of the leg following a simple pelvic fracture: case report and literature review S Netherlands J Wound Care
Attinger CE Clinical approach to wounds: debridement and wound bed preparation including the use of dressings and wound-healing adjuvants S USA Plast Reconstr Surg
Townley WA Maggot debridement therapy to avoid prosthesis removal in an infected total knee arthroplasty S UK J Wound Care
Wang J Treatment of infected wounds with maggot therapy after replantation S China J Reconstr Microsurg
Steenvoorde P The Yuk Factor- Maggot debridement therapy: the ancient treatment for chronic wounds makes a comeback F Netherlands The Hospitalist
Marek O The use of maggot therapy in paediatric surgery: a case report F Poland World Wide Wounds
Lodge A Maggots 'n' chips: a novel approach to the treatment of diabetic ulcers S UK Br J Community Nurs
Smith AG Greenbottle (Lucilia sericata) larval secretions delivered from a prototype hydrogel wound dressing accelerate the closure of model wounds S UK Biotechnol Prog
Collier M The use of advanced biological and tissue-engineered wound products S UK Nurs Stand
Petherick ES Patient acceptability of larval therapy for leg ulcer treatment: a randomised survey to inform the sample size calculation of a randomised trial F UK BMC Med Res Methodol
Kocisova A Maggot Debridement Therapy in the Treatment of Footrot and Foot Scald in Sheep F Slovakia ACTA VET BRNO
Cambal M Maggot debridement therapy case report F Slovakia Bratisl Lek Listy
Steenvoorde P Maggot-treated wounds follow normal wound healing phases Netherlands Int J Dermatol
Horobin AJ Promotion of human dermal fibroblast migration, matrix remodelling and modification of fibroblast morphology within a novel 3D model by Lucilia sericata larval secretions F UK J Invest Dermatol
Orkiszewski M The use of maggot therapy as an adjunct to surgical debridement a paediatric case report F Poland World Wide Wound
Nigam Y Maggot Therapy: The Science and Implication for CAM Part I:History and Bacterial Resistance F UK eCAM
Nigam Y Maggot Therapy: The Science and Implication for CAM Part II:Maggots Combat Infection F UK eCAM
Thomas S Cost of managing chronic wounds in the UK, with particular emphasis on maggot debridement therapy F UK J Wound Care
2005 Contreras-Ruiz J Larval debridement therapy in Mexico F Mexico Wound Care Canada
Steenvoorde P Determining pain levels in patients treated with maggot debridement therapy S Netherlands J Wound Care
Iglesias CP Quality of life of people with venous leg ulcers: a comparison of the discriminative and responsive characteristics of two generic and a disease specific instruments S UK Qual Life Res
Steenvoorde P Use of larval therapy to combat infection after breast-conserving surgery S Netherlands J Wound Care
Wolff H Rearing larvae of Lucilia sericata for chronic ulcer treatment--an improved method F Sweden Acta Derm Venereol
Steenvoorde P Maggot debridement therapy: free-range or contained? An in-vivo study S Netherlands Adv Skin Wound Care
Tanyuksel M Maggot debridement therapy in the treatment of chronic wounds in a military hospital setup in Turkey S Turkey Dermatology
Swale VJ Pyoderma gangrenosum outside the context of inflammatory bowel disease treated successfully with infliximab S UK Clin Exp Dermatol
Armstrong DG Maggot therapy in "lower-extremity hospice" wound care: fewer amputations and more antibiotic-free days S USA J American Podiatric Medical Association
Horobin AJ Maggots and wound healing: an investigation of the effects of secretions from Lucilia sericata larvae upon the migration of human dermal fibroblasts over a fibronectin-coated surface S UK Wound Repair Regenerat
Kerridge A Antibacterial properties of larval secretions of the blow fly, Lucilia sericata S UK Med Vet Entomol
Lipsky BA Adjunctive therapies for diabetic foot infections F Netherlands Diabetic microvascular complications today
Steenvoorde P Maggot therapy and the "Yuk" factor: an issue for the patient? Netherlands Wound Repair Regenerat
Wollina U Maggot therapy in the treatment of wounds of exposed knee prostheses Germany International J Dermatology
2004 Lipsky BA Medical Treatment of Diabetic Foot Infections USA Clin Infect Dis
Steenvoorde P Can laboratory investigations help us to decide when to discontinue larval therapy? S Netherlands J Wound Care
Richardson M The benefits of larval therapy in wound care S Scotland Nurs Stand
Raynor P A new clinical trial of the effect of larval therapy S UK J Tissue Viability
Steenvoorde P The antimicrobial activity of maggots: in-vivo results S Netherlands J Tissue Viability
Rosales A Use of a maggot motility index to evaluate survival of therapeutic larvae S USA J Am Podiatr Med Assoc
Rojo S Hemophilia and maggots: from hospital admission to healed wound F Ostomy Wound Manage
Sealby N The use of maggot therapy in the treatment of a malignant foot wound S UK Br J Community Nurs
MacDougall KM A case study using larval therapy in the community setting S UK Br J Nurs
Kitching M Patients' perceptions and experiences of larval therapy S UK J Wound Care
Sherman RA Presurgical maggot debridement of soft tissue wounds is associated with decreased rates of postoperative infection F USA Clin Infect Dis
Eldor R New and experimental approaches to treatment of diabetic foot ulcers: a comprehensive review of emerging treatment strategies S Israel Diabet Med
Kraus H The successful use of maggots in necrotizing fasciitis of the neck: a case report S Germany Head & Neck
Bexfield A Detection and partial characterisation of two antibacterial factors from the excretions/secretions of the medical maggot Lucilia sericata and their activity against MRSA S UK Microbes Infect
Beasley WD Making a meal of MRSA-the role of biosurgery in hospital-acquired infection S UK J Hosp Infect
Rozin AP Combined therapy for pyoderma gangrenosum F Israel Ann Rheum Dis
2003 Lyder CH Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management USA JAMA
Yates I Larvae--a key member of the multidisciplinary foot team?(Larval therapy) S UK The Diabetic Foot
Enoch S Wound bed preparation: The science behind the removal of barries to healing F UK Wounds
Fear M Introducing the use of sterile maggots into a primary care trust: overcoming barriers S UK Br J Community Nurs
Schmidtchen A Detection of serine proteases secreted by Lucilia sericata in vitro and during treatment of a chronic leg ulcer Sweden Acta Derm Venereol
Husain ZS Maggot therapy for wound debridement in a traumatic foot-degloving injury: a case report S USA J Foot Ankle Surg
Lerch K Bacteria ingestion by blowfly larvae: an in vitro study S Germany Delmatology
Scavee V Maggot therapy: many hands make light work Belgium Acta Chir Belg
Semple L Use of larval therapy to treat a diabetic patient's pressure ulcer S UK Br J Nurs
Kocisova A First non-conventional veterinary treatment of skin infections with blowfly larvae (Calliphoridae) in Slovakia F Slovakia Bull Vet Inst Pulawy
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Chambers L Degradation of extracellular matrix components by defined proteinases from the greenbottle larva Lucilia sericata used for the clinical debridement of non-healing wounds S UK Br J Dermatol
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